Tuesday, March 18, 2008

California Cruising

I know I haven't updated in a few days but we have been busy. Today is our last day of vacation. Tomorrow Trisha goes back to North Carolina and Thursday I will return to work.

Sunday we didn't do much. We went to Jack In The Box for an early lunch. They do not have Jack In The Box in North Carolina. We got groceries at the Stater Bros. and we played video games in the night. (Just FYI, her Pogo is better than my Pogo.) We also had Pat and Oscar's for dinner. They don't have those in North Carolina either.

Yesterday we went to Balboa Park and walked around and went to the Botanical Gardens. Catherine took some pictures. Carolynn was also at Balboa Park on a field trip with her school learning about Shakespeare. We didn't see her.

After Balboa Park, we went and cruised around downtown and stopped by Petco Park so Trish could check it out. We went to a Padre's Store there to get Padre's gear and we took some pictures.

After that we took a cruise through East County. We went through El Cajon, Lakeside and Santee. Then we went to Miramar and got gas. We saved about $0.30 per gallon by filling up on base. I miss that. Then we checked out the Exchange there and headed toward home. We stopped at another California only eatery, Carls Jr., for lunch. That was it for us.

Today we did a whole lot of nothing. We went to Wal-Mart for cold medicine. We picked Carolynn up from her field trip. (Today she went to the Birch Aquarium.) Then we got a taco from one of those real Mexican taco shops. Now I am making spaghetti for dinner for everyone but Trisha and me. She and I are going out to dinner. She is taking me out for my birthday, which is on Sunday, but she won't be here. Tomorrow we are off to drop her off at the airport and the vacation will be over. How sad.


  1. well it sure seems like you guys had some adventures. You saw a lot of stuff you ate the best tacos on earth, you had the best burgers, and even hot dogs. You can not complain about that, good food and fun. I hope that Trisha had a good time and got to see all her must see's and ate all her must eats....I bet her husband and her kids will be happy to have her back home. It is good she had her self a little break and the husband got to experience what she does everyday. Well I hope that you have a good dinner and I hope that Trisha has a safe trip home.

  2. Well I hope you have a good Easter/Birthday. You should get a big chocolate rabbit and a cake too. That should get you you a pretty good sugar rush. I bet you are looking forword to a little relaxing, this week-end. I can not wait to see all of your pictures.....but I will.
    We will be at Pala the day after Easter. We are looking forword to relaxing, playing the penny slots,and eating a couple of free buffets. Hank and Judy will be joining us on Tuesday. We were going to meet them at Vincents in Temecula, but they have never been to Pala and they want to come and check it out. That will work.....My dad can tell them about his favorite slots, our adventure in NASCAR, our trip to Seattle in June.
    Alyssa will be arriving on saturday and staying for Ham and taters on Sunday. Mike and Grandpa are all into this "march maddness" they have their brackets all filled out and they are seeing how many they get right. So there will be Basketball, basketball and more basketball.
    Hope you guys got your Ham and birthday cake and you are ready to celebrate.


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