Friday, April 10, 2009

Officer Of The Law

Like I mentioned in the previous post, I finished my training two weeks ago yesterday. I really feel like I learned a lot. I met a lot of great people and had a fun time. Here are a few pictures from my final week in training. (Yes, that is a cow in some of those pictures. Check out Catherine’s website for details on the adventures of the cow.)

Dinner with my friend Monica and her roommate. Monica was not in my class in Georgia, she graduated a week later. Monica and I work together here though.

My roommate Geis studying with Michael from the other class that graduated with us.

Samantha, Shaun, and Jerome doing some serious studying.

The three people in blue shirts were not in my class in Georgia, however, they are from here and we all started our careers on the same day in January. Jacob (who graduated with honors the next week), Monica, Geis, me, Samantha, and Marques.

These are all the people in my class from Coleman. That is in Florida. Jerome, the Doctor (he is a dentist), Samanatha, and Shaun.

This is most of my class on the way to the gradation ceremony.

This is mostly the gang from New York. With a few others mixed in.

Samantha and Geis at our class graduation bowling party.

Matt and Geis at the bowling alley. I found several pictures like this in my camera. I saw Matt playing with it.

Michael, Geis, me, and the Doc squeezed into the back of Shaun's car on the way home from the bowling alley.

It was so fun. There will be a video about this too. I am going to try and score some pictures from my classmates for a cool video.


  1. Looks like you made lots of new friends! From the pictures, it looks like you had some fun there, although, I know you are glad to be home.

  2. I am glad to be home. I wish I could have brought all my new friends home with me. They should all work with me here, that would be awesome.

  3. Everyone looks so happy! You must of had a fun group of people and that makes everything a lot more fun.


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