Friday, March 23, 2007


Today I turned 30. Okay, so I can admit that I am old. So what? You are only as old as you feel and I don’t feel any older that I was last week so what’s the big deal?

Today I have no big plans. I am at work. It’s exciting.

My mom, my sister, and Trish sent me cards for my birthday. Mike and Arturo, they work in the warehouse here, gave me cards too. My boss bought me lunch at Marie Callender’s. I ate chicken potpie. It was good. I’d like to say thank you to Trish, who sent me a really nice candle, and to my mom, who sent me a gift card for Barnes and Noble. I enjoyed them very much.

Carolynn gets home from camp today so be sure and check back in the next few days for pictures and stuff from her adventure at camp. Catherine was sick and missed school the last few days. Well, she was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday, but yesterday I think she may have been faking it. I made her go to school today even though she tried to tell me she might hack up a lung.

In other news, I am extremely disappointed in who was voted off American Idol this week. I am not saying that Stephanie would have won, but she definitely didn’t deserve to go home yet.

Well, that’s the news for today. I’m old. The End.

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